Beginner Gymnastics Classes in North Austin

Beginner Gymnastics in North Austin

Gymnastics 101 is our introductory gymnastics class, designed to develop fundamental gymnastics strength, flexibility, and technical skills.  The class is open to both boys and girls.

Gymnastics 101 introduces the fundamentals of the sport using the four women's Olympic events: vault, uneven bars, balance beam, and floor exercise.  Classes mix a wide range of skills and drills to give our beginning gymnasts a fun and varied experience, while developing the basic movements and strength needed to advance to Gymnastics 201, and on from there to competitive gymnastics.

Learn more about our Program Objectives.

Gymnastics 101 Skills Chart

101 gymnasts will work toward mastery of the following skills:
FloorUneven BarsBalance BeamVault
Uneven Bars
Balance Beam
knowledge of standing lunge positionskin the catjump front support mountsquat on up to spotting block
HS on floor back to lungejump front support and holdjump to stick offjump off block to stick
Cartwheel (lands one foot at a time in a lunge)shoulder shrugs in front supportcomfortable toe,ball,heel walk highrun, jump on spring board with 2 feet
Bridge hold for 5 seconds3 casts to straddlereleve walks front/back on lowrun, straight jump up to spotting block
forward roll on floorpullover from blockstraight jumps over cones on lowrun, bounce, dive roll on trampoline
straight arm forward roll down wedge5 sec candlestick hold on ringssingle leg releve holds on lowkick to HS flat back on 8 incher
back roll down wedgestep on to white bar (feet on before hands come off)lever on low beam3 bounces to handstand flatback (off tramp or air track)
7 sec hanging tuck holdteeter totter (hands on panel mat, land on floor beam)rebound jumps down trampoline
5 sec chin hold on ringssplit jumps on line15 sec handstand hold against the wall
side hs pike down on lazer